Transplantation Proceedings

We are pleased to invite persons with accepted Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations the opportunity to submit a full manuscript to

Transplantation Proceedings

in conjunction with the:

The 41st Congress of the Italian Transplantation Society (SITO 2017)

to be held

November 9 – 11, 2017 in Cagliari, Italy


 All manuscripts will be received through our online system, EES

at by selecting


Deadline for Submission: JANUARY 20, 2018


Transplantation Proceedings invites persons who have accepted Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations to submit a full manuscript in accordance with our Guidelines for Manuscripts Associated With Meetings.

New to Transplantation Proceedings:  We are now able to receive Video presentations along with full manuscripts.  Please refer to the information/instruction below.

Transplantation Proceedings is peer-reviewed, therefore all manuscripts will undergo extensive review, and authors will be notified of the outcome. We look forward to continued collaboration with the Society in publishing groundbreaking transplantation research.



Authors may upload their manuscript to Transplantation Proceedings through our online system, EES at When uploading your manuscript, you will be asked to select an Article Type from the pull-down menu.  Please be sure to select ARTICLE TYPE:  SITO 2017You must NOT select any other Article Type, AND YOU MUST ONLY SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONCE. If you make a mistake, contact EES support immediately and notify the Editorial Office by email to DO NOT upload it again until you are given permission.  Failure to comply may result in the manuscript rejection. Please ONLY upload your manuscript once as failure to do so may result in rejection of your paper.  Please do not email your manuscript to the editorial office, and please do not give your manuscript to any personnel on-site as we will ONLY receive manuscripts through our online system.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English (including fully cited References) and saved as a Word file (not as PDF).  References must be fully cited and must be in English. Abstracts and Manuscript Text (including References) MUST be double spaced using an 11 point font and sized for letter size paper with one inch margins all around, not A4. Please do not embed your Tables/Figures within the text, rather place them after the fully cited References. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a completed Conflict of Interest and Financial Agreement Forms. These forms are available online when submitting the manuscript.

All manuscripts must contain the following and must be uploaded in this order:

  1. Manuscript Check List which states the MEETING NAME and Article Type associated with your manuscript followed by the title of your manuscript. (See below)
  2. Title Page – (See sample below)
    – must not contain abbreviations unless fully spelled out with the abbreviation in parenthesis
    – if an animal study, name the species
    – if a Case Report, place “Case Report” in the title.
    – must contain all author information, including fully spelled out names of all authors, Institution with full address, telephone number and fax and email addresses of all authors
    – a clearly designated corresponding author with author’s name fully spelled out, Institution with full address, telephone number and fax number and the corresponding author’s email address
    – any Grant support
    – the total number of Tables/Figures contained in the manuscript, and state if in color or not in color
  3. Double spaced Abstract of no more than 250 words.  No References, Tables or Figures are to be in the Abstract.
  4. At least 3 double spaced manuscript pages of text (including fully cited References in English) sized for “letter”, not A4
  5. Tables/Figures:  Please note, all Tables/Figures must be numbered.  We do not accept “Supplemental” Tables. All Figures must have Figure Legends.  All Tables/Figures must be placed AFTER the References and must not be embedded within the text. 
  6. Your manuscript MUST be uploaded as a Word for PC file, NOT as pdf. We will not process manuscripts uploaded in any other fashion.
  7. The required Conflict of Interest, Financial Agreement and manuscript Checklist forms.
  8. When using EES, authors are required to include “Highlights” by including 3-5 bullet points about the importance of the submitted paper:

– Author instructions:

Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting “Highlights” from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below

– Specifications:

– Include 3 to 5 highlights.
– There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.

Only the core results of the paper should be covered



If you wish to submit a video along with your full manuscript, you must follow the links below for instruction on the preparation. You will then upload your video in the “attach files” area and select “video” from the pull-down menu. All videos must be accompanied by a full manuscript comparable in length to the video and must be no less than 5 pages in length. The manuscript must completely describe the video content, and must contain all of the manuscript components listed above (Title Page, Abstract, Highlights, Text with fully cited References and any Table/Figure).

Links for video preparation:


o             Overview

o             Specifications

or download this PDF guide: Artwork and Multimedia Instructions Interactive PDF


Submission of a manuscript will constitute expression of the author’s commitment to defray the cost of publication.  There are NO automatically assigned complimentary pages.  Page charges are based on the typed, submitted page (not on the printed page and not by the pdf), referred to as “manuscript page”.  A publication charge of U.S. $99.95 per manuscript page will be invoiced by our publisher, Elsevier prior to the publication of accepted manuscripts.  No payment is due until the review process is completed by our reviewers and the page proofs are prepared by Elsevier.  Please note that there are no charges incurred for the Abstract, Title page, or correspondence information.  Also, each Table or illustration must be counted as one manuscript page due to the increased production time needed for this material.    Extra charges are applied for publication of color graphics.

The proceedings of the Congress will appear in the journal, Transplantation Proceedings

If you have any questions on how to submit your manuscript, please contact me at

With every good wish, I beg to remain,


Barry D. Kahan, PhD, MD
Editor in Chief
Transplantation Proceedings